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Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 03 May 2024, 20:23:22

Hundreds of Russian soldiers gathered on parade grounds hit by 4 Ukrianian ATACM missiles armed with cluster bombs.


I'm constantly amazed at how careless the Russians are.......parading hundreds of Russian soldiers around in areas that are within range of Ukrainian missiles and drones is just idiotic. And the new longer range ATACM missiles Biden has given to Ukraine can easily hit every inch of Crimea.


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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 04 May 2024, 01:00:36

And yet they keep winning on the battlefield...
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 05 May 2024, 12:11:42


They are making gains. That is different from winning.

Far, far too much propaganda to make any real sense of the situation.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 05 May 2024, 16:37:27

Does anyone here believe in God? I'm not asking for personal confessions, but I do know from history that the small nation of England went from obscurity to rule 1/4 of the world right after it professed Christian principles, printed a Bible in English for mass distribution (for the first time) and allowed freedom of religion, something banned under the Roman catholic popes. It passed that banner to American, "One nation under God" God was even honored on the paper currency. That era began when pastors were also school teachers, the little one room school house. Whether most people truly believed of not didn't come into it, many many did, they honored God and the nation prospered.

Fast forward to today and Christianity has been tossed in the garbage bin, the U.S. Supreme Court banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools in the 1960's, saying that it violated the First Amendment, now schools actively persecute Christians while at the same time honor Eastern religions. So what does all this have to do with a war in the ukraine? Russia, whether you believe it or not, whether you can see it or not, is adhering to Christian principles. Homosexuality is illegal! They want no part of the transgender movement, the illegal production, distribution, and "public demonstration" of pornography is punishable by a 2- to 6-year prison term. Oh it's no Eden, but neither was the American wild west or the City of NY in the early days.

The people of Russia have always been religious and though it was oppressed under communism it is no longer. Even the President, the hated Putin, honors God. You think this is all irrelevant? If you think that then the last 100 years of American history is also irrelevant.

On July 20, 1969 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. Prior to taking their first steps on the lunar surface, Aldrin, a Presbyterian Christian, honored God, who had made their journey possible, in a very special way. After returning to Earth he noted that the first liquid poured on the moon, and the first food ever eaten there, were the bread and wine of communion.

That my friends was the peak of American power and glory. It's been all downhill since then.

MOSCOW, May 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Orthodox Christians on Easter Sunday, stressing that the clergy have always been with the people, as they are now when the country is facing challenges.

"Spiritual pastors have always been together with the people. And today, amid serious challenges, Christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless help to those who need support and attention," the Russian leader stressed in a message of congratulations posted on the Kremlin’s website

I always wondered what would replace the American Empire when it finally crumbled into obscurity and imagined the godless hoards of China or the Billions of muslims being the next in line. 400 years of Christian Empire rule over and done with, back to chopping off hands and torturing citizens. Well perhaps not? Perhaps the Christians will have a light still burning.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 05 May 2024, 16:54:48

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 05 May 2024, 23:45:16

theluckycountry wrote:MOSCOW, May 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Orthodox Christians on Easter Sunday, stressing that the clergy have always been with the people, as they are now when the country is facing challenges.

"Spiritual pastors have always been together with the people. And today, amid serious challenges, Christian religious organizations provide effective, selfless help to those who need support and attention," the Russian leader stressed in a message of congratulations posted on the Kremlin’s website.

I wonder how Putin hid his secret Christian faith for all those years he was the model atheist communist apparatchik?


Does Putin today think Jesus approves of him murdering tens of thousands of woman and children in Ukraine?

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 06 May 2024, 04:44:22

Your prejudice is on clear display Plant. I never said he or anyone actually followed the teachings of the bible, they just acknowledged them. I doubt a single president of the US was ever a Christian but they set an example. Typically though it was a bad one, like every time they wanted to go to war and murder hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children in Vietnam or Iraq they would call Billy Graham to the white house to pray. Their intent was obvious, "God is on our side"
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 06 May 2024, 20:53:47

theluckycountry wrote:.... Plant.

I have to confess that Nazis, Communists, Ayatollahs and other similar totalitarians are not my favorite people.

You can idolize Putin all you want, but to me Putin is a loathsome 21st century version of past totalitarians like Hitler and Stalin and as such he deserves endless scorn and mockery.

The world already suffered through Hitler and Stalin....why do we now have to suffer through Putin?

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 07 May 2024, 15:33:37

It occurred to me today that this series of threads started ten years ago with the American backed Coup de Tet in Ukraine in 2014. There are now well over 10,000 accumulated messages in this long change and despite all of them filled with speculation and what-not things have yet to settle down.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 07 May 2024, 16:09:29

Tanada wrote:It occurred to me today that this series of threads started ten years ago with the American backed Coup de Tet in Ukraine in 2014. There are now well over 10,000 accumulated messages in this long change and despite all of them filled with speculation and what-not things have yet to settle down.

I saw a very interesting documentary movie about the events of 2014 in Ukraine.

Ukraine student uprising of 2014

According to the documentary the students who were demonstrating in 2013-14 in the Maidan Square in Kiev wanted Ukraine to move towards closer integration with Europe, while the Ukrainian president then was basically a Russian puppet who wanted Ukriane to return to Russian domination.

When you look at it that way, OF COURSE Ukrainian students would rather be see their country free of Russian domination and connected to western Europe rather then under Russia's thumb. Ukrianians are very aware of the long history of Russian oppression of Ukrainian culture and the horrible genocide that Russia carried out in Ukriane during the early part of the Soviet period that killed over a million Ukrainians.

Memorial to Ukrainian students murdered in Maidan Square in Kiev in 2014 for demonstrating for Ukrianian freedom
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 10 May 2024, 02:48:16

Ukraine hits oil facility 1500 km inside Russia using small plane converted to a kamikaze drone


The Ukrainians have come up with another clever attack drone.....this time they are modifying inexpensive small planes to turn them into kamikaze drones capable of hitting targets an amazing 1500 km inside Russia.

So far the Ukrainians have mostly attacked Russian oil facilities, producing minor disruptions in Russias internal oil supply.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 10 May 2024, 08:03:31

Tanada wrote:It occurred to me today that this series of threads started ten years ago with the American backed Coup de Tet in Ukraine in 2014. There are now well over 10,000 accumulated messages in this long change and despite all of them filled with speculation and what-not things have yet to settle down.

I guess if you wanted to put a rough time frame to it you could use the average length of all US wars in the past 80 years.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 12 May 2024, 00:58:50

theluckycountry wrote:I guess if you wanted to put a rough time frame to it you could use the average length of all US wars in the past 80 years.

Or, more logically, you could look at the typical duration of recent Russian wars of aggression against neighboring countries.

The Russian invasion of Afghanistan, for example, lasted 9 years before the Russians were defeated and withdrew.

The Russian war in Chechnya lasted 10 years before the Russians won

In contrast, the Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 lasted only 5 days until the Russians achieved their goals.

The actual duration of the war seems to depend on the amount of resistance that the country being invaded is capable of putting up against Russia.

So far the Ukrainians have resisted the Russian invaders for over two years. If the Ukrainians continues to resist the Russian invaders, this war could potentially go on for years.

The war in Ukraine could go on for years, if the Ukrainians continues to resist the Russian invaders

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 12 May 2024, 08:40:24

Here's Why Russia Is Making A Fresh Push Into Ukraine's Kharkov Region

1. Create The Conditions For Russia To Control The Entirety Of Its New Regions
Russia’s increasingly frequent gains in Donbass over the past month speak to how serious Ukraine’s conscription and logistical crises have become, thus enabling Moscow to push them to the breaking point by opening up a new front at this precise moment in time. This is meant to facilitate a military breakthrough for expelling Ukrainian forces from the entirety of Russia’s new regions, with any collapse of the front lines consequently paving the way for achieving additional military-political goals.

2. Coerce Ukraine Into Demilitarizing All Of Its Rump Regions East Of The Dnieper
3. Deter NATO From Crossing The Dnieper If Member States’ Forces Conventionally Intervene
4. Influence Ukraine’s Possibly Impending US-Backed Regime Change Process
5. End The Conflict In A Way That Ensures Russia’s Core Security Interests In The New Reality

As argued above, Russia’s fresh push into Kharkov Region is intended to end this conflict by year’s end in the best-case scenario, though that of course can’t be taken for granted given the fog of war and innumerable variables that the public isn’t privy to. ... ng-a-fresh

Another country wrecked by the U.S. war mongers. It's ok though, it never really was a country, just a collection of unfortunate peasants and a core of perverts that needed stamping into the ground anyway.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 12 May 2024, 16:08:09

Ukrainian drone attack blows up Russian Lukoil refinery in Volgograd


The Biden Administration is reportedly pressuring Ukraine to stop atacking Russian oil refineries because higher oil prices might hurt Biden's reelection chances. But independent analysts believe that blowing up Russian oil refiners will force more Russian oil onto the world market and will actually LOWER global oil prices.

Ka-BOOM! IF Ukraine is LOWERING world oil prices by blowing up Russian oil refineries ....then I hope they blow up more Russian oil refineries so my gas gets cheaper!!!!!

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 13 May 2024, 01:30:02

US F-16s should start arriving in Ukraine in ca. 3 weeks.



Some analysts think the F-16s could play a big role in the war, especially in Crimea where the Ukrainians have largely destroyed the Russian air defense system.

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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 13 May 2024, 03:57:39

Germany considers bringing back military service

Defence minister ‘looking at all the options’ after admitting that scrapping conscription in 2011 had been ‘a mistake in hindsight’ ... y-service/

Poland is rearming, stating that it wants to be the most powerful military in Western Europe, France is dabbling with sending troops East, Sweden joins Nato, and the forever Neutral Swiss breach their own neutrality by providing arms to the war in the ukraine. What's going on here? Oh just the usual European insanity that rears it's deformed head every 80 to 100 years.

If you look back over those wars you'll see the common thread, as with all wars, is a resource grab. Yes they want Lebensraum, oil, coal, and I suspect in this case, Gas and Oil. After 45 years of insane debt accumulation these resource poor nations are facing total collapse unless they can get their hands on Oil and Gas. The richest rewards lie in the East, and is no doubt why NATO has been crowding up to the borders of Russia these past decades.

Well good luck, because the Russians don't have a history of backing down and the West will be a smoldering atomic ruin if they try it. Will they try it? Well if they don't what options do they have? Their energy dependent cities will go Mad Max and they, the leaders and wealthy elites will have to flee to Barbados or wherever. I'm not talking about in a decade, but it will come. Everything built on fossil fuels will have to be abandoned eventually. So when do you start, obviously while you still have the means, while you're still relatively strong.

the ukraine is a puppet sideshow, or perhaps more accurately a tentative push to see how Moscow will react to being threatened. A way to observe all their latest tech and devise countermeasures. But the Russian's aren't stupid, they haven't used their latest tanks etc, just the old junk and that was good enough. I'm just grateful I live in Australia and not North America because when the missiles leave their tubes nothing in the northern hemisphere will be safe.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 15 May 2024, 07:02:05

Loyal American Patriots fund brave ukrainian fatcats as Russia marches across border unopposed.

Ukrainian Corruption Center reports northern border defense funds were diverted to fake companies ... aign=64483

The taxpayers exploited again, just say the magic words "Freedom is in Danger " and they hoist their brave little flags and rally around the cause. Hunter Biden's business friends in the ukraine are no doubt putting his share in a Cayman Island account so Joe Biden can retire in luxury after his one term as president. That's the American Way.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 15 May 2024, 07:24:30

GERMAN General Roland Katter told Die Welt: "Things are going very well for the Russians now!".
He immediately added: "At this moment, the Russians are winning."

Not just my own analysis and spit-balling.

He goes on to emphasize UA's shortage of personnel and equipment. NATO either needs to get serious and send boots to the front, or let UA off the hook and let them come to a settlement before they run out of Ukrainians.
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Re: Russia/Ukraine Crisis Pt. 20

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 16 May 2024, 04:03:11

theluckycountry wrote:The people of Russia have always been religious and though it was oppressed under communism it is no longer. Even the President, the hated Putin, honors God. You think this is all irrelevant? If you think that then the last 100 years of American history is also irrelevant.

Russians are not particularly religious and during Soviet era one could fall in grave troubles for declaring openly that s/he is religious.
Know few Russians in person - all atheists. Ukrainians are more religious.
Regardless of supposed Christianity there Russians have highest rate of abortions on entire world and there were years not long time ago when they had more abortions than live births.
I doubt that Putin is religious, but he is intelligent and treat religion as one of useful tools.

I always wondered what would replace the American Empire when it finally crumbled into obscurity and imagined the godless hoards of China or the Billions of muslims being the next in line. 400 years of Christian Empire rule over and done with, back to chopping off hands and torturing citizens. Well perhaps not? Perhaps the Christians will have a light still burning.

Christianity is likely to be mostly abandoned with the exception of small sectarian outposts like those witnesses of Jehovah or some other similar groups.
Islam is likely to become religion of masses yelling for simple (and stupid) answers for difficult questions and Far Eastern religions where God(s) are rather intelligent forces than persons mixed with Chinese Confucjanism are IMO becoming religions of emerging new elites.
They are easier to reconcile with scientific knowledge than Islam, Christianity or Judaism.
Universe seems to be too big and too old and biology too complex for biblical story to be true.
Anthropocentric faith where humans are special beings enjoying privileged place in God's order is on its way out.
Good and Evil is rather human than God's concept etc.
You need some more imaginative "sacred books" these days and someone will need to write them.
Interestingly in Poland there are loads of youngsters who are declaring themselves Christians and yet believe in reincarnation what I am finding puzzling.
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