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THE Somalia Thread (merged)

A forum for discussion of regional topics including oil depletion but also government, society, and the future.

...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby DarkDawg » Wed 10 Jan 2007, 14:25:44

GW: "Y'now Dick, since we're not havin' a ton 'o luck up there in I-Rak, maybe we should find another oil pit."

D: "Hey, remember when the 'reens hit the beaches of Somalia and they cheered?"

GW: "Oh yea, forgot about that. But what about Blackhawk Down?"

D: "That's old news." Just get the Ethopians to do our dirty work on the ground this time. Then we'll pound 'em into submission with AC-130's."

GW: "Shweet! I'll tell that camera-thingy we're fight'in dem terrissts Al KAIDA. Gotta gettem while their on the run! Know anybody over at Conoco to work on that pit?"

D: "You bet!"

More here (sorry, it's a little dated), and here.

I apologize for not being much of a humorist. I just can't help but laugh at it all anymore.
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby Grifter » Wed 10 Jan 2007, 18:21:23

I knew somethin was goin on with that. Been puzzlin me it has.
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby dukey » Wed 10 Jan 2007, 18:40:21

See more here .. ... ombing.htm

When does it become a world war ?
If USA (with the help of the UK and others..) is attacking Afghanistan Iraq Somalia and Iran is that a world war ?
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby Barbara » Wed 10 Jan 2007, 18:57:12

Looks like USA is attacking huts all around the world.
Do you think camping tents are at risk as well? :lol:
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby frankthetank » Thu 11 Jan 2007, 00:36:15

I have a dome tent, and i doubt i'll be using it for awhile :)
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby neocone » Thu 11 Jan 2007, 02:44:32

Man oh man... another wave of refugee camps for young americans fleeing the draft within 2-3 years in Montreal and Toronto.

Back in 1970 50,000 at a time had to be housed in tents and fed as the wave was stretching the humanitarian infrastructure in those 2 cities to the breaking point.

Harper is going to be also kicked out soon and replaced by a neo-Trudeau who will tell the US to stick it where he is thinking about.
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Thu 11 Jan 2007, 02:56:38

neocone wrote:replaced by a neo-Trudeau who will tell the US to stick it where he is thinking about.

OMFG I would laugh my arse off if Dion actually did that. I'd laugh and laugh and laugh, right up until Calgary got "liberated".

Then it wouldn't be so funny any more.
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby Loki » Thu 11 Jan 2007, 04:10:33

Dreamtwister wrote:
neocone wrote:replaced by a neo-Trudeau who will tell the US to stick it where he is thinking about.

OMFG I would laugh my arse off if Dion actually did that. I'd laugh and laugh and laugh, right up until Calgary got "liberated".

Then it wouldn't be so funny any more.

54-40 or Fight! I hear there's some tar sands, er, oppressed people up north than need liberatin' and democratizin' and all that good stuff.

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Somalia: A Smoking Gun In The Form of Oil?

Unread postby Bleep » Sat 03 Feb 2007, 10:49:33

The Somalia Raid: Part of a Wider War (link) “Somalia falls within the military's CENTCOM command area, and as a longtime Qaeda theater of operations has been a focus of U.S. military interest for years.”

US military continues Somalia raid amid protests (link) “Blair says its Britain's duty to support US while UN condemns action that could worsen conflict in Somalia.”

Somalia Enters a Devolutionary Cycle (link) “During the last two weeks of January, the future political configuration of Somalia and the dispositions of external actors toward the country became more apparent, as a devolution of power to sub-societies got underway that international and regional players seemed too weak and half-hearted to arrest.”

Somalia is important to America (link) “Like its Arab neighbors, Somalia has petrol reserves, but these deposits have gone untapped in the almost two decades since oil companies including Chevron signed deals with Somalia's government.”
Last edited by Ferretlover on Sun 15 Feb 2009, 12:08:56, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Merged with THE Somalia Thread.
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Re: Somalia: A Smoking Gun In The Form of Oil?

Unread postby dukey » Sat 03 Feb 2007, 13:20:16


The Real Agenda Of The Global Elite In Somalia
Neocons are backing the same warlords that slaughtered US troops in 1993

This week has seen the latest example of the US power elite bombing a broken-backed country in the name of the global 'war on terror'. The phantom menace of 'Al Qaeda' has again provided a pretext for the further destruction and destabilization of struggling state, this time Somalia, in order that the Western elite power-mongers can move in and control its valuable resources. ... ombing.htm

It is for oil. If we attack Iran, it will be for oil, maybe big profits as well for certain companies.
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Re: Somalia: A Smoking Gun In The Form of Oil?

Unread postby Armageddon » Sat 03 Feb 2007, 14:04:55

That was a great article Dukey from The US wants to control the oil in Somolia too. It is a global race to control the worlds oil, and Bush isnt sitting around waiting. 2007 will be a very interesting year. I think attacking Iran is a guarentee. I am guessing by March it will happen. Troop surge, aircraft carriers , etc.

{topic moved from Current Energy News by Shannymara}
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Re: Somalia: A Smoking Gun In The Form of Oil?

Unread postby 128shot » Sat 03 Feb 2007, 16:15:17

what are the possible total reserves of Somali oil?
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Re: Somalia: A Smoking Gun In The Form of Oil?

Unread postby Bleep » Sun 04 Feb 2007, 19:58:52

128shot wrote:what are the possible total reserves of Somali oil?
The CIA World Factbook only says "likely oil reserves."

Some other sources:

There is a very good chance Somalia has huge oil reserves. This in part is due to the proven gas reserves and other geological features of the country and its geographical location.

Somalia welcomes oil interest (link)
Aug 22, 2005

Somalia's fledgling government welcomes approaches by firms keen to hunt for oil or gas on its territory but has yet to open any such discussions, President Abdullahi Yusuf said.


Somalia has no proven oil reserves and only 200 bn cf of proven natural gas reserves, according to the US Energy Information Administration. However, companies including Total, Amoco, Chevron and Conoco and Phillips, which have since merged into ConocoPhillips, held exploration concessions in northern Somalia in the 1980s.

The firms declared force majeure following the collapse of the central government in 1991. Force majeure is a clause in a contract exempting the parties from their obligations under the agreement as a result of conditions beyond their control.
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Re: ...and now, back to Somalia. Yes, for OIL

Unread postby Bleep » Fri 02 Mar 2007, 17:37:53

More attacks in Somalia's capital (link)
Wednesday, 28 February 2007


Dozens of people have been killed in recent weeks and there are fears that Somalia is descending back into the chaos seen before the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) restored calm to the capital last year.

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U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby mattduke » Tue 04 Mar 2008, 00:48:50

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Re: U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby mattduke » Tue 04 Mar 2008, 22:23:51

no big deal
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Re: U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 04 Mar 2008, 22:53:47

Al Qaida declared war on the US in 1998.

The US Congress authorized the US to wage war on al Qaida in late 2001 and also passed a second war powers act broadening the first in 2002.

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Re: U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby DomusAlbion » Tue 04 Mar 2008, 23:11:42

I hope they got their intended target and not some aspirin factory by mistake. This type of war really sucks; I would prefer an all out war that has a beginning, a bloody fight and a victory.
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Re: U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby Gandalf_the_White » Tue 04 Mar 2008, 23:29:27

May we never see this!

US Government launches missile attack against militants in Wisconsin

CNN Growing unrest centered in the area of Tigerton Dells, WI was put down yesterday by a surgical strike on a rebel stronghold. The US Government is claiming a key victory as at least two militant leaders were suspected to be in the compound at the time. Rationing of fuel and food has so far proved too much to bear for the proudly progressive State. One of the deceased leaders was quoted as saying, "The Government giveth and the Government taketh away. Over my dead body! No food, no fuel, no taxes!" It seems he has his wish.

Though most of the American West remains without electricity or water US Government forces are focusing on uprisings in the Midwest of the country. This is no easy task with most of the American Force now fighting a battle of attrition in Iraq and Saudi Arabia against a stingy Russian and Iranian Coalition. Shortages of oil on this side of the Atlantic have become so severe that even the military is rationing. "We're fighting most of these battles one house at a time" said Colonel Jay Stimsen mustered out of Fort McCoy near Madison, Wisconsin. In a news conference President Bush promised to relinquish all exceptional powers once the crisis is abated. "Continuity of government is the most important thing right now. The United States of America must remain a federated land. We will not accept relocalization, regional government or secession as alternatives."
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Re: U.S. Government launches missile attack in Somalia

Unread postby mattduke » Wed 05 Mar 2008, 00:17:47

Plantagenet wrote:Al Qaida declared war on the US in 1998.
The US Congress authorized the US to wage war on al Qaida in late 2001 and also passed a second war powers act broadening the first in 2002.

US government is creating Al Qaida faster than it is killing them. Not surprising, since the US government created Al Qaida in the first place.
You win wars by degrading your enemy's ability to fight and killing his fighters. 8)

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