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Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby mklkatreeandleaf » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 08:56:51

I went to the bank thursday morning to withdraw one of my small checking accounts by cash, just so I have some around, and they tried to talk me out of it, but as I was persistant, they consnted, they wanted to prin a money order and I told them I would then have to cash it somewhere else, and since I was here to just cash it here.
they consented and then she goes in the back and gets bundles of stacks of NEW 100 dollar bills, every one new, this has never happened before ever. She said the FED reserve brought a whole new load of printed money in today, and they were all crisp bills, she told me it really looks neat back in the vault with stacks of new 100's 50's twenties.

When I then went to the auto mated bank that has a machine count it out, ALL of them were new bills, I thought this was weird. They are fully loaded for bear. (You can't take out more than 8000 at a time or they report you so you have to go to several banks in a day to withdraw anything significant.

(I guess they were expecting a massive run, all the banks are fully loaded with new cash.

To have that much cash usually takes a week to order, the Feds were definitely ready ahead of time.

anyway I got my money, so long Wa mu.
Last edited by mklkatreeandleaf on Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:02:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:02:21

Exactly how did WAMU get "bailed out"??? The bank was seized by the Feds and sold at a big discount to JPM. No depositors lost a penny and thus no FDIC funds were needed. JPM now has a much bigger base to expand lending. Given the apparent big discount JPM paid they'll likely make a nice profit on WAMU mortgage biz. WAMU still functions as a retail bank just fine (I know first's my bank and nothing has changed).

Of course, the WAMU shareholders were slaughtered (including that fund manager who put $8 billion onto WAMU last spring). But that's how it’s supposed to work, isn't it: you invest in a risky enterprise looking for big returns but the plan fails and you loose your investment. That's the same rule I accepted with every investment I've ever made.

Now WAMU failure is off the table. So how does this add pressure to Congress to bail out any banks??? The depositors lost no money, the mortgages are still in place and JPM now has a much bigger lending base and thus brings money to the market. And biz goes on as usually. The WAMU situation seems to argue against any bail outs. The only folks hurt were the shareholders. As I see it the US banking system is in better shape today due to WAMU's failure.
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby mklkatreeandleaf » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:13:34

This is not a bailout.

the FED just printed the money WAMU needed as evidenced by my withdrawals, defintely NEW money brand new.

and the reaon is not a bailout

It is consolidation of all the banks that would resist money changing into one bank that will not resist one world order.

WAMU was a bank that would never have gone along with one world order, they were always happy to deal in cash and locally.
they had to be removed, this crisis ins manufactures by just building bubbles and letting them collapse.

any bank functional in a bubble economy is an independant, and they will go belly up first.

when JPM andits brothers own the whole thing they will just recommend the switch to world ruling digital currency and take the next step, total control of the world money system, and Russia will join or choke, as will every nation, and every transaction will take a little bit off the top for the big guys.

this has been a dream for centuries, not just running one contry but the WORLDS money system.

THE EURO IS GOING TO CRASH when the digital cash controlled by Morgan takes effect, and they will have to join the system

America sloughed by bytaxing every oil transaction for the last 50 years.

that isnt good anymore ao now they are changing to a system where they just tax the money instead of the oil.

it will be much more profitable than the oil dollar ever could be, and thereby lies our demise.

___ will checkmate the world, gain control of world financial system (they have connections in every country now, and the looser instead of knocking over his king in defeat, will start a first strike and then raid the gold storage banks, Otherwise they will loose control of THEIR ponzi scheme.

Each country is a ponzi schem where its rulers are supported by the stupidity of the peopel, and one world currency will eliminate all this.

it will be real ugly.
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby ReverseEngineer » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:38:15

mklkatreeandleaf wrote:Each country is a ponzi schem where its rulers are supported by the stupidity of the peopel, and one world currency will eliminate all this.

it will be real ugly.

One World Currency and the Stupidity of the Sheeple occurred the day that people accepted GOLD as a measure of wealth. Gold is NOT wealth. FOOD is wealth. Just does no store as wel as Gold does Accept Gold s Wealth, you make a deal with the Devil. Accpt Interst on loans, gamble wih money, you immediately buy into the original Ponzi scheme. Its worked for generations, way back to the Roman Empire. Its te Root of All Evil. If you EVER bought a stock, EVER apidfor Insurance, you bought into this scheme. be it known, Insurance Cmpanie raely pay ff on their policies. They scoot out on them al th time, protected by the politicias that serve as their minios.

Anyhow, even if on world currcey WAS to be dveloeped here,Gold stil does no amke t a gid ssystemG. Te lust for Gold is pervese, nad the more money you have in digital wealh, the more perverted you are. That money kept little children in India in slavery for the last 40 years. Live with it. It transmits to reality eventualy you know. its NOT just numbers.

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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby Roccland » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:41:30

mklkatreeandleaf wrote:This is not a bailout.

the FED just printed the money WAMU needed as evidenced by my withdrawals, defintely NEW money brand new.

and the reaon is not a bailout

It is consolidation of all the banks that would resist money changing into one bank that will not resist one world order.

WAMU was a bank that would never have gone along with one world order, they were always happy to deal in cash and locally.
they had to be removed, this crisis ins manufactures by just building bubbles and letting them collapse.

any bank functional in a bubble economy is an independant, and they will go belly up first.

when JPM andits brothers own the whole thing they will just recommend the switch to world ruling digital currency and take the next step, total control of the world money system, and Russia will join or choke, as will every nation, and every transaction will take a little bit off the top for the big guys.

this has been a dream for centuries, not just running one contry but the WORLDS money system.

THE EURO IS GOING TO CRASH when the digital cash controlled by Morgan takes effect, and they will have to join the system

America sloughed by bytaxing every oil transaction for the last 50 years.

that isnt good anymore ao now they are changing to a system where they just tax the money instead of the oil.

it will be much more profitable than the oil dollar ever could be, and thereby lies our demise.

___ will checkmate the world, gain control of world financial system (they have connections in every country now, and the looser instead of knocking over his king in defeat, will start a first strike and then raid the gold storage banks, Otherwise they will loose control of THEIR ponzi scheme.

Each country is a ponzi schem where its rulers are supported by the stupidity of the peopel, and one world currency will eliminate all this.

it will be real ugly.

+1 that you?
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby mklkatreeandleaf » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 09:47:53

Here is the truth

Wa MU was a locally grown bank that was excellent and used the system as it was to help local customers, their good business practices made them grow to a large financial corporation with coult

They had so much cout that the NWO was limited by them.

Rule #! The NWO associated banks CANNOT FAIL

notice how some bug guys get bailed out and OTHER big buys are allowed to fail?

An you (even rocc) are so brainwashed that they say SERVES THEM RIGHT!

ha ha ha feint on you, you fell for it, even smart people can be hypnotized.

the truth is, the PTB do not yet control everything, and th

rule #2 is they ALWAYS help their own.

JPM will NEVER EVER FAIL, they can,t the government would print free money for them.

Wa MU has machines in every state designed to count out CASH, they are built around cash and they are cash friendly
P in congress is a giant shill. she is putting on airs and delaying until all the unnattached banks fail.

what is left will be the beast

the monster.

the world taking over bank system
there will be two or three of them all under the same empire.

you dont think this is true? Know why the titanic was built? ever notice the largest two money people on the planet went down with the boat? after that the FED was developed.

no, WAMU had to fail for them to succeed in convincing people they must have new reules and new money

they must have - get this PROTECTION against these crazy independant bankers so no independant banker can ever rise up again.

we must eliminate this system and put in another better one (one which we will dictate)

and to design the new system they have to wait until all the sane heads are removed so no one will compete.

Just watch

the banks that fail willl all be non NWO

the banks that will not fail will be protected.

THE PTB banks cannot, will not and shall not ever fail, dont worry about that.

When there are just a few left, those are all the bad guys.

that is the truth.

MAn, even roc got it wrong.

he Rocc, that post you put up, about
"It is NOT a conspiracy to take the banks, it is about saving their balance sheet"

Man you know that is exactly what it is.

When they say it is NOT something

that is exactly what it is.

and the people one here trying to convince us it is Business as usual, and they are just trying to HELP the system, well,
they are as much shills as AP and pln\anted agent.

sorry, buyt there are 235,000 paid bloggers to change oppinion for the empire.

they have to type SOMETHING SOMEWHERE, why not here?

only 1/10 of one percent will believe this, but I bet Rocc will see his error.

stop reading these sites trying to twist the truth

they are trying to fail anyone not associated with them

and note thes JPM now owns all the PROPERTY that those bad loans were made out to


100 years ago JPM and the RAILROAD tycoons collected all the PROPPERTY in the great depression! same GUYS they are still alive.

They must be laughing at us they pulled it off twice and they blamed their enemies for making bad loans!

This is too easy if you are a liar and the p[eople are so stupid.

Look, the big event hasnt happened. They are going to pull down the market it is going to braeak its face and the only CURE for everyone loosing all their homes is,
we need a new money system that we can control. (guffaw here)

1. Invent the probelm.
2. scare the people
3. produce your solution.

this is too ways.

but they dont know one thing, the russians know they are targets and they are not going to be taken over. and nuclear winter is coming

this is just your final warning.
It already happened in the future.
Be ready.
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Re: Washington Mutual - by far the largest bank failure

Unread postby firestarter » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 10:19:42

MattSavinar wrote:
Cashmere wrote:Roc posted an opinion that the 700 billion corresponds to how much money the primary dealers will need to buy Treasuries in 09 to cover the deficit. That will prevent a failed treasury auction.

If you take that as the true motivation for the bail out - because a failed treasury auction would be an A bomb - then there would be no point to having homeowners get bailed out if that would not, per se, allow the banks to buy the required treasuries.

If you think that the govt. line on the bail out is correct - that this is needed to free liquidity in the banks, then the question becomes do you inject the antibiotics into the swollen head or into the foot?

The head, is what they tell us, will work.

Link? Rocc - when he is on his meds - actually manages to pick his knuckles up off the floor, wipe the drool off the keyboard and post some really good stuff. This sounds like it might be one of those times.


Here ya go: Link
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby mos6507 » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 13:27:10

mklkatreeandleaf wrote:the FED just printed the money WAMU needed as evidenced by my withdrawals, defintely NEW money brand new.

I almost always wind up with newly printed money coming out of a bank. Isn't that how all new money is introduced in circulation? Even without the fed increasing the total money supply, old worn out bills are constantly being replaced by new ones through the banks.

Yet another tinfoiler on

Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby mos6507 » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 13:33:11

ReverseEngineer wrote:Anyhow, even if on world currcey WAS to be dveloeped here,Gold stil does no amke t a gid ssystemG. Te lust for Gold is pervese, nad the more money you have in digital wealh, the more perverted you are. That money kept little children in India in slavery for the last 40 years. Live with it. It transmits to reality eventualy you know. its NOT just numbers.

You're wearing out your keyboard.

Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 13:37:04

That's my understanding also Tex. The Fed just electronicly credits a bank with funds. The only new money printed is the replacement bills. Imagining physical currency is easier for most I suppose. But the thought of someone at the fed making a simple data entry which generates billions of new "money" is too much for folks to imagine. The banks seldom have more than a few percent of their deposit totals onhand as hard currency.
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby Zardoz » Fri 26 Sep 2008, 15:10:28

ROCKMAN wrote:...The Fed just electronicaly credits a bank with funds. The only new money printed is the replacement bills...the thought of someone at the fed making a simple data entry which generates billions of new "money" is too much for folks to imagine.

Exactly. It's virtual money, created by somebody tapping away on a keyboard. It's all fake, sham, phony funny money.

What a scam. What a racket. It's a grifter's wildest dreams come true. It's the greatest hustle ever run, in the entire history of the human race, and we're all willing participants and beneficiaries. We live in McMansions and cruise around in Escalades because we all buy into it.
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Re: Washington Mutual RIP--Taken over by FDIC (& JPM)

Unread postby IslandCrow » Sat 27 Sep 2008, 01:54:42

Simple maths for P.O. tin foil hats:

Part 1.

WaMu had $188 billion in deposits
WaMu had $307 billion in assets.

How much did WaMu have to borrow from other financial institutions?

Part 2.

Some of the depositors wanted their money back. As all, and more of the deposits were loaned out, or spent on things that could not be sold quickly (as in fancy bank buildings), WaMu would quickly run out of cash.

Who would be silly enough to lend to WaMu in such a situation?

- - - -
William of Ockham stated: "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", roughly translated as "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" [
Thanks Wiki

It seems that the bank did multiply the deposits beyond the necessity and as a result the razor had to be applied.
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