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Talking Down America

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Talking Down America

Unread postby allenwrench » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 14:12:22

This morning on 'Face The Nation' they discussed how Obama was talking down America and was too critical. In short he was guilty of the crime of not saying America has no limits. He was guilty of the crime of not saying Americans can do it all. He was guilty of the crime of not saying Americans can have it all.

I thought that was kind of funny. I think both candidates hide their heads in the sand and go out of their way to lull an ignorant public into a comatose state of delusion with their unrealistic 'vote for me' promises of pie in the sky.

Have you ever heard of either candidate mention peak oil? No, you never will. Just as they won't address any of the substantive issues that are in our future that may destroy America as we know it in the not so distant future.

One candidate may have better spin on a certain question - so you vote for him or her. But when it comes down to it - politicians are pretty much all lying the ignorant public just votes for the best liar!

The three unwholesome roots of delusions, greed and hate are very basic to a Buddhist practice. Out of these three, delusion is the foundational root, for without seeing delusions for what they are, you cannot distinguish the other two unwholesome roots of greed and hate.

But this is only restating the Buddhist eightfold path of right actions, right thoughts, right view,..and the rest. In short, taking the right path helps lead one to freeing themselves from a delusional life.

Now, whether you are a Buddhist, Christian or Atheist - no one can dispute there are right and wrong ways to live life. And this right / wrong directions goes for nations as well as individuals. But it seems 'Face The Nation' has determined that America can never do the wrong thing, so it must never be challenged as making a mistake or taking the wrong path.

You can always determine a truth based person by this fact. If a truth based person gets corrected for making a mistake they are thankful for the correction and readily adopt the truth. No so with the lying, deceitful ego based individual. They fight truth, as it did not originate from within themselves. Their ego blocks truth at every step and instead of gratitude for the bearer of truth, they try to destroy such bearers of truth.

Do you know what you get when a government thinks it can do no wrong?

And a populace is trained to believe their leaders are god and never question their actions?

You get...


Always remember, the difference between an authority and an authoritarian is this. An authority speaks from a place of truth and such speaks as an authority. Whereas an authoritarian rules by fear and not by truth. For the truth stands on it own and the authoritarian stands on their ego.

'Face The Nation' never asked whether Obama spoke truth or spoke lies...they did not look at what was said...but looked at who said what.

There is no such thing as negative or positive attitudes. What is viewed as negative to one person may be viewed as positive to another. There are no such things as 'opinionated' - 'provocative' 'controversial' subjects.These are only subjective and prejudicial states of mind.

Psychologist William James once said, "A great many people believe they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

Either what Obama said was true, false or we don't know...that is the bottom line.

If one sticks to: true, false or don't know in one's evaluations, they can avoid this trap by arguing facts and not personalities.

And for those that can't argue facts..they must argue personalities.


I do not support or endorse Obama nor McCain
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 14:22:56

If one can't admit one has problems one can't very well improve.

Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby dinopello » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 14:59:10

Ludi wrote:If one can't admit one has problems one can't very well improve.

In the first presidential debate, Obama said:

And that means, yes, increasing domestic production and off-shore drilling, but we only have 3 percent of the world's oil supplies and we use 25 percent of the world's oil. So we can't simply drill our way out of the problem.

In the vice presidential debate, Biden said:

Now, let's look at the facts. We have 3 percent of the world's oil reserves. We consume 25 percent of the oil in the world. John McCain has voted 20 times in the last decade-and-a-half against funding alternative energy sources, clean energy sources, wind, solar, biofuels.

They both seem to recognize a problem, even though allen wrench is correct that no candidate can say that the "solution" will be painful.

allenwrench wrote:One candidate may have better spin on a certain question - so you vote for him or her. But when it comes down to it - politicians are pretty much all lying the ignorant public just votes for the best liar!

But, it's the voters that make them that way.
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 16:12:14

dinopello wrote:
They both seem to recognize a problem, even though allen wrench is correct that no candidate can say that the "solution" will be painful.

Not if they want to be elected. Only lying politicians get elected, those who say what people want to hear.

Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Nickel » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 16:21:11

allenwrench wrote:This morning on 'Face The Nation' they discussed how Obama was talking down America and was too critical. In short he was guilty of the crime of not saying America has no limits. He was guilty of the crime of not saying Americans can do it all. He was guilty of the crime of not saying Americans can have it all.

Well, I'm old enough to remember when Carter tried the same thing, appearing on television in a sweater talking about conserving energy to uncomplicate the nation's foreign affairs. People laughed at him, and a lot were even offended by the suggestion that the US needed to adjust its ways and lifestyle to suit external realities in any way. They elected that Pollyanna clown Reagan, and 30 years later, here we are. Will they thank Obama for dusting off that sweater? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Cloud9 » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 16:27:19

You can have Carter, I'll take Regan.
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby coyote » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 17:25:37

Cloud9 wrote:You can have Carter, I'll take Regan.

As in Donald? Or Brian?
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 18:36:31

Carter said prescient things about energy. He just didn't do anything about it.

Carter had democratic majorities in both houses of Congress, but he failed to provide the leadership or do the work necessary to make any significant changes in US energy policy.
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Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby Ludi » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 18:41:11

Cloud9 wrote:You can have Carter, I'll take Regan.



Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby vision-master » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 19:09:26


Maybe he knew something about the future and fate of the World?

Re: Talking Down America

Unread postby aldente » Sun 05 Oct 2008, 20:15:36

Correct! That is how these countries are operating naturally in the first place. The only reason why the invasion in the Middle East ever took place was due to a miscalculated point of Peak Oil: old fashioned military strategy directed into a pre-emtive measure, turning out to be an excercise in futility.
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