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Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:25:33

kpeavey wrote:"Massive decarbonisation" is newspeak for "we out of oil, Baby."

There is more than enough rationale to do these things on the climate end alone, if you take anything close to what Lovelock has to say seriously.

Or do you really have faith in "the market" and human nature to gently solve these problems?

Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby davep » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:30:08

mos6507 wrote:
kpeavey wrote:"Massive decarbonisation" is newspeak for "we out of oil, Baby."

There is more than enough rationale to do these things on the climate end alone, if you take anything close to what Lovelock has to say seriously.

Or do you really have faith in "the market" and human nature to gently solve these problems?

There may well be the rationale, but since when has the IEA's remit included climate change? They're obliquely acknowledging the need to address peak oil in the only politically correct way they can, IMO.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:40:25

MSM doomer porn alert.


Peak oil.

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby davep » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:43:31

mos6507 wrote:MSM doomer porn alert.


Peak oil.

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

There's nothing in there that hasn't already been discussed on this thread over the past 24 hours, but as you say, it's the MSM (as are the Guardian, Reuters et al).
Last edited by davep on Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:44:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Jotapay » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:44:12

I can't believe this. I've never seen Time cover a story this fast before, especially one that is so fringe as Peak Oil. This was no whistleblower. It was planned.

Peak Oil has been co-opted now by the MSM and TPTB to push their own agenda. Peak Oil is going to be used to push the carbon/CO2/environment treaty. Your thunder has just been stolen.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:46:21

davep wrote:There's nothing in there that hasn't already been discussed on this thread, but as you say, it's the MSM.

The doomer echo-chamber stuff you see on TOD, countercurrents, energybulletin, etc... only preach to the converted. When this stuff bubbles up into the MSM, it matters.

Of course, I thought Earth 2100, Incredible Journey of Crude, Home, etc... all mattered and how much impact did it have? But at the very least, it's more fodder for my "Look, man, I'm not really crazy" news clippings collection.

Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby davep » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:46:35

Jotapay wrote:I can't believe this. I've never seen Time cover a story this fast before, especially one that is so fringe as Peak Oil. This was no whistleblower. It was planned.

Agreed. They tied in the various elements quite well, rather than just pumping out a press release.

As I said earlier, this was a leak more than a whistleblower.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby davep » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:48:13

mos6507 wrote:
davep wrote:There's nothing in there that hasn't already been discussed on this thread, but as you say, it's the MSM.

The doomer echo-chamber stuff you see on TOD, countercurrents, energybulletin, etc... only preach to the converted. When this stuff bubbles up into the MSM, it matters.

Of course, I thought Earth 2100, Incredible Journey of Crude, Home, etc... all mattered and how much impact did it have? But at the very least, it's more fodder for my "Look, man, I'm not really crazy" news clippings collection.

Arf! Fair enough, but I did amend my post to include the Guardian and Reuters (there's also the FT and no doubt many others who are now joining the dots).
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 16:59:57

Jotapay wrote:I can't believe this. I've never seen Time cover a story this fast before, especially one that is so fringe as Peak Oil. This was no whistleblower. It was planned.

The IEA report comes out at the same time each year. You're telling me Time wasn't otherwise going to write about it considering the Fatih Birol 2020 bombshell earlier this year?

Here is the author's profile. Care to email her and ask her pointedly if she's acting as a mouthpiece for TPTB?

I dare ya. I double-dare ya.
Last edited by mos6507 on Tue 10 Nov 2009, 17:03:04, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby rangerone314 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 17:02:00

Recently bought Fallout 3 Game of the Year edition (I usually wait on most games when they get the bugs out & have more mods etc).

Looks more and more like good training for the future, LOL!

With leaks like that I am beginning to think I should try and push for food self-sufficiency in 4 years rather than 5.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Quinny » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 17:17:06

The report is scary in itself, if the wb is saying it's over-optimistic, we're in for some very difficult times in the near future.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Jotapay » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 17:21:43

mos6507 wrote:I dare ya. I double-dare ya.

Triple dog dare me.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Dr. Ofellati » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 18:16:09

mos6507 wrote:MSM doomer porn alert.


Peak oil.

It's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

Well, Dave P, I'd say your analysis is spot on. Why else would an energy agency call out global warming? It's a great cover, and, as Mos linked above, the brainwashing has already begun.

In the Time [I loath Time] article, the climate change cult claims . . .

If the world continues to guzzle oil and gas at its present pace, global temperatures will rise by an average of 6°C by 2030

Oh lawdy lawd lawd. 6 degrees CELCIUS by 2030!!! That's 10 degrees for all you Americans out there. That's 1 degree every 2 years!!

And this, after we had the 3rd coldest October in recorded history.

Lawdy lawd lawd, the Cult is in full bloom today.

Dave P, again, must respect from me - good analysis.

I always thought the cover would be a false flag terrorist attack on the KSA. Strikes me that such a FF op would be a perfect way to 1. Explain the production declines and 2. Drum up support for even more "war" on "terrorists."
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby kpeavey » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 19:07:39

Mos-Good catch on that Time article

For a journalist to write such a concise article in just a few hours from the Guardian report shows amazing insight, dare I say, the kind of insight not seen since the Dallas Police captured Oswald in the movie theater. In case you missed the profile link mos posted, her profile credits her as a "seasoned foreign correspondent."

This is not a leak by disgruntled scientists or executives. This is a planned presentation.

In order to arrest BAU and head down the path required to forestall self destruction in the time available, a sharp change in the way we use energy and resources is needed, or as Dr O would say, an Inflection Point.

I mentioned earlier that a critical climate report should show up in the next few weeks. I forgot about the Copenhagen conference. Out of this conference will come the critical Climate Change Documentation and agreement that will forever be changing our lives. The debate over climate change is dead. Whether or not we are changing the climate is unimportant. Officially, Climate Change is the enemy and we have to defeat it at all costs.

We've known all along that the government had a plan. We've been putting together the pieces as best we could with the information available. We've known the govt/TPTB could not talk about Peak Oil in the mainstream because it would bring panic, revolt, collapse and crisis to all parts of the globe and pose an obstacle to mitigation strategies. The govts/TPTB did well in covering their arses and holding things together while they formulated their plan. Now that the pieces are in place, they can present it to the world.

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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 20:04:27

kpeavey wrote:We've known all along that the government had a plan.

I think any riffing on the-big-bad-PTB is a distraction from the actual problem. TPTB dissolving overnight in favor of whatever -ism you'd like to take over will not eliminate the problems we face. So I suggest everyone get their priorities in order.

Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby shortonsense » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 20:11:11

Dr. Ofellati wrote:
shortonsense wrote:Don't be silly, oil has been depleting for better than a century now. It didn't just suddenly START, how do you think we managed to produce 50% of it already? By depleting it!

No need to play word games - production depleting - If you didn't understand that part of my post, you're not qualified to comment.

Which is why I noticed, certainly no one can claim that oil is suddenly depleting now whereas it hasn't been for a century. Now, production decline, perhaps that is what you were thinking of?

Production decline has also happened before, but it isn't a year over year effect, whereas depletion is. For example, we had a production decline for several years in the early 80's, and a peak, which was then reversed and production increased again. During this entire time, we were depleting our remaining oil.

I don't think its semantics, they are certainly different things.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby shortonsense » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 20:14:22

mcgowanjm wrote:And the European Train System is second to none.

When I can catch a sleeper with first class food service from
KC to NO, then I'll think the US has a chance.

Because of trains? Whats wrong with a bus? I've ridden across the country on a greyhound, and its quite reasonably priced...certainly doesn't require a train to go from KC to NO.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Dr. Ofellati » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 22:27:21

kpeavey wrote:
This is not a leak by disgruntled scientists or executives. This is a planned presentation.

I think that your post, above, was very good. I think you've got it. The faux-journalist whores at Time were given the cheat sheet well in advance.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby Revi » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 22:47:20

We heard nothing about peak oil for a while, since oil went back down again. Now it's creeping back into peoples' minds.

This article really made a big splash.
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Re: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure-whistleblower

Unread postby mos6507 » Tue 10 Nov 2009, 22:57:48

Dr. Ofellati wrote:I think that your post, above, was very good. I think you've got it. The faux-journalist whores at Time were given the cheat sheet well in advance.

I'm sure she'll be glad to hear about your high opinions of her, since I emailed her and she actually wrote back. Then I replied with a link to this thread.

It's funny how we can bash peak oil denialist articles and then suddenly an article comes out that raises an alarm and people want to find malice in it.


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