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"The Rothschild’s Son" - Perry Arnett

Discussions about the economic and financial ramifications of PEAK OIL

"The Rothschild’s Son" - Perry Arnett

Unread postby Roccland » Wed 20 Aug 2008, 14:58:14

Another great short essay from Perry link.

"The Rothschild’s Son"

29 July 2008

Perry Arnett

[I asked myself the question: "So what will it be? Inflation ? Or Deflation?" Here’s my answer.]

So, if I were the ~45 year old ‘son of a Rothschild’, and a member of the richest banking cartel in the world, what would I say to myself as I roll out of bed THIS morning, as I do EVERY morning?

Being well-trained and highly-disciplined - as ‘the son of a Rothschild’ - I would say,

"1st, Preserve my Capital";

"2nd, Increase my Income Streams";

"3rd, Fix anything else that needs to be fixed, but don't try to fix anything that isn’t broken".

"When those three things are done, then I can go out and play Polo, or start sipping champagne - regardless of what hour of the day it is."

So, how does ‘the son of a Rothschild’ DO this?

As a ‘co-owner’ of most all the Central Banks in the world, he must do ALL THAT HE CAN to keep the world banking system alive and functioning well, regardless of all other considerations. That is, for so long as HE can gain whatever small percentage it may be that he does, from nearly each and every financial transaction made by the consuming masses of the world, (through taxes, fees, inflation, graft, kickbacks, etc.), a well-functioning world banking system is ESSENTIAL to keeping HIS income streams flowing.

Thus, he will e.g., let some banks fail if necessary, while keeping the larger mega-banking system functioning and alive. He will raise interest rates, or lower them, as needed, to keep the flow of electronic-money moving from place to place. He will pay his lobbyists to draft legislation to be enacted in the various legislative bodies around the world to create those laws designed to keep the banking system functioning, regardless of how immoral, or illogical, or incredible, or improbable, or repulsive, or illegal those laws may be. Since he owns or controls most of the major media, he will use the best tools of propaganda available to convince the masses to "keep their money in the banking system", to "keep spending", to "keep borrowing", to "keep consuming", and ultimately, to join, and stay in the food-powered- perpetual- interest- debt-wage- slavery system. He will do what he MUST to keep the world banking system running well. HIS own economic survival is at stake!

He knows that if the world banking system collapses, HIS on-going income streams are severely jeopardized. And since this is not possible, (i.e. not in HIS self-interest) , he will do what he must to keep the banking system functioning to keep HIS capital secure, and to keep HIS income streams flowing.

He knows that ‘some’ level of inflation is "stimulative" , and that almost any deflation is "contractive" . Thus, his providing the ‘juice’- money - with which the masses can buy and sell is necessary for HIM to get his cut of these transactions. So he knows that it is in HIS best interest to keep the banking system functioning. And that means to keep inflation alive, rather than allowing deflation to set in - to the degree possible. And that means he must "inflate the money supply" for so long as it continues to work in HIS behalf.

However, he also knows that when inflation has been allowed to run its course, it is usually followed by DEflation. So he is well prepared intellectually for his task, as he is a rule-maker and a power-broker, and he knows how things in the world REALLY work!

Now, there may come a time at which he realizes that most all consumers in the world are so tapped out that they can no longer continue their habits of consumption and acquisition as they have in the past, and thus, the banking system may collapse - that is, the system may quickly flip from being highly and persistently inflationary, to DEflationary - REGARDLESS of what all he and his associates around the world have tried to do to prevent that from happening.

In THAT case, and probably, in that case ONLY, he will unload his LESS desirable assets, and purchase MORE desirable assets; he will convert DE-preciating assets into A-ppreciating assets; he will hold MORE secure assets and get rid of LESS secure assets; he knows the banking system operates on ‘fractional reserves’, and that it issues ‘fiat currencies’, so he will hold proportionately, MORE precious metals and LESS cash; he will PRESERVE his capital even if he has to REDUCE his flow of income streams; he will LEAVE a physical location of some risk, for another location of LESS risk; he will insure that his food, water and mobility are secure, regardless of location or remoteness; he will gather around him those whom he considers to be of value to him: friends, family, associates, etc.; he will take ALL those measures necessary, as one with power does, and he will act with prudence and discipline, having been trained for just such events as this.

So, we can assume that for some portion of the foreseeable future, Inflation will be the on-going, carefully planned Event, or Process, for as long as the International Bankers can make it last and work in their favor; while Deflation is the sure-end-result, once things get out of their control!

This is not to say that he cannot still make money during a deflation. It does mean to say, however, that he stands to make MORE money during a time of inflation, than he can during deflation. Spending and consumption and borrowing by the masses must occur, for him to get his slice off the top. Keeping the banking system running, therefore, is more in his interest than is letting the banking system collapse.

What good is knowing all this to ME?

"Go thou, and do likewise"!

The key to ones own economic survival is in knowing that Inflation can turn into hyper-inflation, which can turn into Deflation in almost an instant! And so one needs to be constantly aware of the turn-of-markets, and the relative values of assets. Nothing is stable in life, least of all, the values of assets.

Then, one must make those judgments that only one can make for oneself; "do I bet, hold, or fold"!?

500 MPH into a brick wall - me
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